Free Preview, Part 13 - B2B Startup Marketing - What type of content should you focus on?
To create an effective and efficient content strategy for B2B startups, it's crucial to focus on high-impact content that resonates with your target audience while optimizing resources. Here's what you need to consider.
Free Preview, Part 8 - Brand as a Tactical Enabler for B2B Marketing - Introduction
Instead of solely discussing brand identity or positioning, this section examines brand’s capacity to activate (or constrain) your overall tactical framework, shaping how you engage with customers, differentiate from competitors, and operate internally.
Free Preview, Part 1 - Market Orientation: The Key to Effective Marketing in B2B SaaS
Market orientation is essential in B2B SaaS, ensuring that marketing, product, and sales efforts are aligned with customer needs rather than internal priorities. Here's how to balance competing orientations.
Welcome to the Gossamer Marketing Academy
Welcome to the Gossamer Marketing Academy, a collection of 53 deep-dives into the key topics B2B SaaS marketers should be aware of.